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Eye Care

טיפוח העיניים

Eye care

Icon designed for the care and treatment of the skin and pathologies around the eye area.

Based on active ingredients that provide a deep response into the skin, taking into account the skin thickness and suitability for the treatment area, which is thin, sensitive, and prone to increased dryness.

The products are intended to treat:

  • Providing skin elasticity and antioxidant protection
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Puffiness around the eyes
  • Firming the skin around the eyes

Icon ingredients

Peptides for skin firming
Hyaluronic acid
Daffodil extract
Bird of Paradise

flower essence

Icon products

Unique Complex based on Hyaluronic Acid and Plant Extracts in a Light and Cooling Texture Reduces dark circles under the eyes, stimulates the skin, calms, and provides long-lasting moisture. Designed to relieve puffiness and edema around the eyes.
Eye Booster Active for treating the eye area, providing firming, nourishment, addressing puffiness, and reducing tired-looking skin.

More product categories:

Purifying and cleaning
Purifying & Cleaning
Moisturizing & Soothing
Moisturizing & Soothing
Science Care
Science Care
Age Age & Firming
Anti Age & Firming
Eye care
Eye Care
sun protection
Sun Protection

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השאירי פרטים ונחזור אליך בהקדם או התקשרי כבר עכשיו 1-700-707-773

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