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What is pigmentation?

The company produces 40 advanced products based on the science of cosmeceuticals, aimed at skin rejuvenation, balance, renewal, and care. The company bases its products on exclusive clinical research and develops and manufactures in Israel, tailored to the challenging Israeli climate, with meticulous quality control. The products meet international standards, undergo rigorous testing, and are not tested on animals.

What is pigmentation?

“Pigmentation is a chronic genetic skin disorder that is very common among most people, especially women and particularly in sunny climates.

Pigmentation results from the accumulation of dark-brown pigment called melanin in the epidermis and dermis layers.

Factors contributing to pigmentation are both internal and environmental, such as:

  • Sun exposure – UVA and UVB radiation.
  • Hormonal changes – pregnancy, hormonal contraceptive use like pills, intrauterine devices, etc.
  • Post-inflammatory pigmentation – occurs after skin injuries, for example, acne.
  • Age – effects of aging.
  • Psychological changes – mood states influenced by stress and trauma.

The cosmetic treatment method by PORTCARE COSMETICS is based on deep skin treatment, focusing on two dimensions:

On one hand, inhibiting tyrosinase enzymes – tyrosinase is the key enzyme in the melanin production process.

On the other hand, skin renewal and brightening through an active combination of acids and antioxidants, all without irritation, while maintaining skin health and immune system integrity.”

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Before & After

  • “Treated by Akhlas Bushnak, certified cosmetologist, Kfar Menachem, 052-5295242. The treatment was for skin clarification and even tone, using a Brightening Booster containing 10% glycolic acid. The result was accompanied by the use of skincare products in conjunction with clinical treatment accordingly.
  • Treated by Shontel Asulin, certified cosmetologist, Sderot, 050-8233338. Treatment for pigmentation, skin texture, and blemishes using the Renew Brightening Cream from Mela and a combination of clinical treatments for skin renewal, tone correction, and rejuvenation. The result was accompanied by the use of skincare products along with clinical treatment accordingly.”

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